Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why Katniss so IGNORANT?

Hmmm dosen´t it come to mind if Katniss...WHAT IF KATNISS DID..... It does to me. Like why dosen´t she fight for a better life and, all through Panem. Is it because she is frighten. Frighten for her family and deep down scard. For the people she loves. She would be the big hero if she fights for Panem. It seems to me that she can be a leader and, she is a leader in her own little way. Katniss maybe dosen´t want to be much of a hero and, at times she fights. But some of you feel (like me) that is her destiny and, some don´t. Or does our dear Katniss plan to wait for someone to change Panem for itself. When would that be in another 100 years? Is it cause she dosent want to go through the struggle? What ever it is katniss got us on the edge of the mountain to find out, we will just have to wait and find out in book two. Or can we just have our imagination run and, predict till then. Hmmm. Should we blame her that it diden´t revelate to her in Rue´s death, well it did. But still should we. She has to be careful, we don´t want her to end up hurt from the capital.

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