Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mother, daughter relationship.

How is the Mother, daughter realionship. Is it a total a lost. Not quiet. We well know Katniss said she lost her once, and a single hug at the end, and words of consultmen kinda made it okay? Confidence, did it exist in there relationship? What could it have taken to stich up there relationship. Katniss played the domaint jeans in the house.Weather she is ready or not, she may need a better serious talk with her mother, a simple I love you fixes things for now but, the way you feel about someone wheather there hurting your feeling does it pass through that message. If they work out there relationship, her mother may give her advise and support her in the decidion she make towards Peeta and Gale? Would Katniss use the advise?

P.S. Be free to comment on your prespective towards there relationship, and what you think. (:

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