Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Latest SCOOP!

If you read The Hunger Games then, this is the blog for you. The topics that we find rather well intresting and, we normally don´t talk about. Questions that you are asking yourself and you quiet can´t get the answer. Talk about the scandales, the things that take place behind the scene and we don´t quiet know and, that we should have the right to know! Doesen´t it occur to you if Katniss is in love with Gale or Peeta? Or why is she so ignorant toward some situations and, how she approches them so strangly? She is figuring her thoughts and trying to explore them. Will just have to wait and see her next relvation and stay talkative. And have those voluble people given.

Katniss Unfigured Thoughts?

Gossip, Gossip
Is Katniss really in love with peeta?
Is it Peerta or Gale.
Katniss is indenial she cant get her feeling straight. She has feeling for Peeta which has apparently just happened. They say it is truly true love. Though we know what is the truth, it made up. Sure that what we all think, but maybe she does have feeling for him. It seems obviously that Peeta was in love with Katniss. Katniss was suprised when Peeta acted so real in the making of the games. I wonder why? When they were suppose to be acting. And diden´t Haymitch and Katniss kept it to themseveles that it was all a fake game to keep themselves alive in the game. Haymitch said that Peeta would just follow naturally. Did something happened between Peeta and Haymitch that we just don´t know about? Did Peeta secretly told Haymitch that he was in love with Katniss or did Haymitch just knew. These are questions we just don´t know, and we are all fasinated to know. Why was Katniss worried about how would Gale feel about her actions towards Peeta. She would say Gale wasent her boyfriend but, she was comterble being with him. Toward the end of the book she said, I want to get my feeling figured out when I get back home and, that it only her busniess and nobody else. Yes, she is having a bad time with all of this. There is too many things up in her head. Give her a break, wouldent you be upset if someone was all up in your business. Hello. I would! Ring a bell. Well but for Katniss so sad to say, it has to be like that. She is the star of the show. Ain´t she?

Why Katniss so IGNORANT?

Hmmm dosen´t it come to mind if Katniss...WHAT IF KATNISS DID..... It does to me. Like why dosen´t she fight for a better life and, all through Panem. Is it because she is frighten. Frighten for her family and deep down scard. For the people she loves. She would be the big hero if she fights for Panem. It seems to me that she can be a leader and, she is a leader in her own little way. Katniss maybe dosen´t want to be much of a hero and, at times she fights. But some of you feel (like me) that is her destiny and, some don´t. Or does our dear Katniss plan to wait for someone to change Panem for itself. When would that be in another 100 years? Is it cause she dosent want to go through the struggle? What ever it is katniss got us on the edge of the mountain to find out, we will just have to wait and find out in book two. Or can we just have our imagination run and, predict till then. Hmmm. Should we blame her that it diden´t revelate to her in Rue´s death, well it did. But still should we. She has to be careful, we don´t want her to end up hurt from the capital.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mother, daughter relationship.

How is the Mother, daughter realionship. Is it a total a lost. Not quiet. We well know Katniss said she lost her once, and a single hug at the end, and words of consultmen kinda made it okay? Confidence, did it exist in there relationship? What could it have taken to stich up there relationship. Katniss played the domaint jeans in the house.Weather she is ready or not, she may need a better serious talk with her mother, a simple I love you fixes things for now but, the way you feel about someone wheather there hurting your feeling does it pass through that message. If they work out there relationship, her mother may give her advise and support her in the decidion she make towards Peeta and Gale? Would Katniss use the advise?

P.S. Be free to comment on your prespective towards there relationship, and what you think. (:
Why is Katniss personality so hard ?
Her personality is so hard most of the times but, then so soft. Better yet, in her entrance at the capital she played a inicent girly girl. Including her interview. Haymitch was well suprised from where this charecter came about. Deep down Katniss plays different roles, maybe within her favor. Another great reason to envy her and, love her for her great personality. Is she hard because of the situation the government puts her in. That may be an option. We may reconsider who is truly Katniss? At times we adore her for who she is and, at times we dont. Katniss may just be running in a mix of emotion and just trying to figure out who she herself really is and, what exactly she needs to accomplish so far if she hasen´t done so. Maybe, that why she plays different roles? Either way Katniss will reason to understand what personality you play and, why?